Textile technology
Authors: Simin Bakhtiyari , Hossein Hasani , Mohammad Zarrebini , Niloofar Ghorbani
The sound absorption properties of cotton/polypropylene blended fabrics were evaluated in this work which is rarely considered in the literature. Fabrics were made using the needlepunching method. Three different variables were taken into account: The blend ratio, the number of punching, and the frequency. Experimental results showed that the sound absorption is reasonable in frequencies less than 1000 Hz which is in the range of vehicles noise pollution. The maximum sound absorption achieved in the blend ration of cotton/polypropylene (30/70). The results showed that two times of punching is the optimum condition which resulted in the increasing of the absorption coefficient.
Keywords: Acoustic absorption, Non-woven, polypropylene, Impedance tube
How to Cite: Bakhtiyari, S. , Hasani, H. , Zarrebini, M. & Ghorbani, N. (2019) “P090_515_ EVALUATİON OF SOUND ABSORPTİON PROPERTİES OF COTTON/POLYPROPYLENE NON-WOVEN FABRİCS”, Proceedings of the 19th World Textile Conference - Autex 2019.(0). doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/autex.63636