P105_0455_ Prototyping and analysis of a textile loop antenna by an embroidery process for near field communication (NFC) applications
- Baptiste Garnier
- Cédric Cochrane
- François Rault
- Vladan Koncar
- Philippe Mariage
Keywords: Antennas, Connected, Communication, Smart, Textile
How to Cite:
Garnier, B., Cochrane, C., Rault, F., Koncar, V. & Mariage, P., (2019) “P105_0455_ Prototyping and analysis of a textile loop antenna by an embroidery process for near field communication (NFC) applications”, Proceedings of the 19th World Textile Conference - Autex 2019 , 3. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/autex.63626
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